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How do I start studying as a NEET dropper?


Taking the NEET exam is a daunting task, but it is even more challenging if you are a dropper. After all, you have already put in a lot of hard work and time, and you may be feeling discouraged. But there is no reason why you cannot succeed if you are committed to realising your dream of becoming a doctor.

This blog post will provide you with some tips on how to start studying as a NEET dropper. We will cover everything from creating a study plan to staying motivated. You will be well on your way to accomplishing your goals if you heed this advice.

1. Analyze your previous attempt

The first step to starting your studies is to analyze your previous attempt. This will assist you in identifying your strengths and shortcomings and will help you decide what to concentrate on during your subsequent attempts.

  1. Here are some things to consider when analyzing your previous attempt:
  2. What were your scores in each subject?
  3. What were your strengths and weaknesses in each subject?
  4. Did you have any trouble with time management?
  5. Did you feel prepared for the exam?
  6. You can begin to create a study strategy that will target your deficiencies and assist you raise your grades once you have a thorough grasp of your prior attempt.

2. Create a study plan

A study plan is essential for any student who wants to succeed in the NEET exam. It will help you stay on track and make sure that you are covering all of the material.

Consider your talents and weaknesses as well as the amount of time you have available while designing your study strategy. You should also make sure that your plan is realistic and achievable.

  1. Here are some tips for creating a study plan:
  2. Start by setting some goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve in your second attempt?
  3. Once you are aware of your objectives, you may start to divide them into smaller, easier-to-complete activities.
  4. Be realistic about how much time you have available. Don't try to cram too much into your study plan.
  5. Make sure your plan is flexible. Things will inevitably come up, so be prepared to adjust your plan as needed.

3. Find the right resources

There are a lot of great resources available to help you study for the NEET exam. You can find textbooks, online courses, and even practice tests.

When choosing resources, be sure to consider your learning style and your budget. You should also make sure that the resources are up-to-date and relevant to the NEET exam.

  1. Here are some resources to get you started:
  2. NCERT textbooks
  3. Online courses from P&C Digital
  4. Practice tests from Potential and Concept Educations

4. Stay motivated

It is important to stay motivated when you are studying for the NEET exam. This can be challenging, especially if you are feeling discouraged.


  1. Here are some tips for staying motivated:
  2. Set small goals and reward yourself when you achieve them.
  3. Find a study buddy or join a study group.
  4. Take breaks and do things that you enjoy.
  5. Remember why you are studying for the NEET exam.

5. Don't give up

The NEET exam is a challenging exam, but it is definitely possible to pass. If you are determined to succeed, then you will eventually achieve your goals.

Don't give up if you don't do well on your first attempt. Learn from your mistakes and keep working hard. With dedication and hard work, you will eventually achieve your dream of becoming a doctor.


Starting your studies as a NEET dropper can be daunting, but it is definitely possible to succeed. By following the tips in this blog post, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals.

Remember, don't give up. With dedication and hard work, you will eventually achieve your dream of becoming a doctor.

Potential & Concept Educations

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