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Potential and Concept Educations

Author : Dr Azmira Gandhi Nayak: Academic Director of P&C group of Education

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What Every Parent Should Know: The Bishnoi Sisters’ Dad Tells All

In a recent episode of our channel, our Academic Director Dr. Gandhi sir sat down with the father of the Bishnoi sisters, who were preparing for the NEET 2022 exam at P&C Academy. The father shared his experiences and journey of supporting his daughters in achieving success in their academic pursuits. The interview provided valuable insights into how parents can support their children in their academic journey.

Importance of Good Education

The father shared that he always emphasized the importance of education and learning in his household. He made sure his daughters understood the value of education and how it could shape their future. He also emphasized the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance in achieving academic success.

He further mentioned that he always encouraged his daughters to pursue their interests and passions. He never forced them to pursue a particular career path or field. Instead, he provided them with the resources and opportunities to explore their interests and make informed decisions about their future.

Dr. Gandhi sir emphasized the importance of creating a supportive environment at home. He mentioned that parents should create an atmosphere where their children feel comfortable discussing their academic goals and aspirations. They should encourage open communication and actively listen to their children's concerns and needs.

He also suggested that parents should set realistic expectations and goals for their children. It is essential to understand that every child has their unique strengths and weaknesses. Parents should focus on their child's progress and growth rather than just the end result.

Dr. Gandhi sir also emphasized the importance of providing children with a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Parents should encourage their children to engage in physical activities and pursue their hobbies and interests. It is crucial to maintain a balance between academics and other aspects of life.

Parenting Tips

The father of the Bishnoi sisters also shared his parenting tips and strategies. He emphasized the importance of discipline and routine in achieving academic success. He mentioned that he set specific study hours for his daughters and made sure they followed them consistently. He also provided them with a quiet and comfortable study space to help them focus.

He further suggested that parents should be involved in their children's academic journey. They should regularly check their progress, provide feedback, and offer support and encouragement when needed. It is essential to maintain a positive and supportive attitude towards their children's academic pursuits.

The Path to Success


Dr. Gandhi sir also emphasized the importance of parents being proactive in seeking out academic resources and opportunities for their children. They should be aware of the latest developments in their child's field of study and provide them with the necessary resources and guidance.


In conclusion, the interview provided valuable insights into how parents can support their children in their academic journey. The father of the Bishnoi sisters shared his experiences and tips, emphasizing the importance of education, hard work, dedication, and perseverance in achieving academic success. Dr. Gandhi sir provided expert advice on creating a supportive environment at home, setting realistic expectations, and being involved in their children's academic journey. By following these tips and strategies, parents can guide their children towards academic success and help them achieve their goals and aspirations.


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